Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Marijuana affects your brain. formed.
Marijuana affects your self-control. Marijuana can seriously affect your sense of time and your coordination, impacting
Marijuana affects your lungs.
Marijuana affects other aspects of your health.
Marijuana can limit your body's ability to fight off infection.3
marijuana use can even increase the risk of developing certain mental illnesses.4
Marijuana is not always what it seems.
Marijuana can be laced with other dangerous drugs without your knowledge. "
marijuana--sometimes have substances such as crack cocaine, PCP, or embalming fluid added.
Marijuana can be addictive.

is this drug legal
Normally, dried marijuana leaves and flowers are smoked or baked into food. Health care providers can legally prescribe Marinol®. Some people get the same effects from Marinol® as from smoked marijuana. Others prefer to smoke marijuana. They can use just the amount they need without bad effects from higher doses. it makes them feel good

National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information at 800-729-6686.

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