Friday, May 14, 2010

26-28 weeks DIVA MOMMENT

Sometimes I think it's better to be a diva.

No fights no nothing. The baby kicked 24/7 day in and day out it’s like she never stops every time she hears a voice she would move every time her mom move she would kick. She so active every time we go to the baby appointments she acts up when its time to get her heart rate check she would run away from the doctors so the doctor wouldn’t mess with her.
But on the 26 week she wasn’t kicking like she use to she was kicking like only three times a day me and markia didn’t pay no attention we just thought that she was tired of moving so much. But the next week later she didn’t kick at all there was days where just kick once than just stop kicking and moving so me and markia are getting worried we don’t know what’s going on so we call the doctors and they tell us to come up there when we get there they take us to a room the room look like those room where you do your lie detectors at.
They put a strap on markia so they can see the baby heart rate and see if she having contraction. We were there for hour’s man and she didn’t move or kick. She was alive because her heart beat was normal but she still didn’t move they said they don’t want us to leave till she moves. So markia changes position so the baby can move around and do some but she didn’t want to move so the nurse come in and give her some ice water and once markia drunk it the baby start tripping she wouldn’t stop kicking at all and kept on moving and moving the doctor said it ok she just having her diva moment.

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